Death To Life
If we are willing to lay down our life and die to self, God can bear fruit in our lives and do something far greater than we could ever do on our own, alone.
If we are willing to lay down our life and die to self, God can bear fruit in our lives and do something far greater than we could ever do on our own, alone.
Our culture today has drastically minimized the role of men in the world. Sitcoms and cartoons depict men as dumb, unimportant, unnecessary, mean, sexist, womanizing, weak, or horrible people. Today, more than ever, we need to encourage dads to continue pursuing the Lord and making a lasting impact on their families.
What is God calling your attention to? And what does it take for Him to get your attention? And can you hear the alarm? God will speak to you in ways that are important and impactful to you.
Getting Your Attention Read More »
We look at those who have opposite personalities from us, and think that they are “too” – too loud, too quiet, too busy, too standoffish. What we are really thinking is that they are too different. But we need to realize that different does not equal defective.
All Kinds of Kinds Read More »
Mother’s Day can be a sensitive subject with many people. Some have moms that are very close, and the relationship has been a wonderful experience. Others have moms who have passed away and it’s been a long time since you have felt her hug or heard her voice. For others, their mom has been either physically absent from their lives or emotionally absent and others have graciously stepped in as motherly roles when moms were not able or willing to.
Sweet, Bitter, and Bittersweet Mother’s Day Read More »
Oswald Chambers said, “True intercession involves bringing the person, or the circumstance that seems to be crashing in on you, before God, until you are changed by His attitude toward that person or circumstance.”
Spiritual Intervention Read More »
Do you have a favorite skillet or pan you prefer to use when you cook? As I have grown older, I have developed a love for cast iron. When I first got married, I thought cast iron was for old people. Don’t judge me. I was naive and young. I learned some things about cast iron skillets, some of which came from making mistakes and some from other women who shared their wisdom.
Do you like the mountains? Or do you prefer the beach? It seems like people usually prefer one over the other. As believers, we may prefer the beach over the spiritual mountains the Lord gives us to climb. I don’t know how many mountains you’ve climbed in your life, but this summer I had the opportunity to climb one just shy of 14,000 ft. elevation. And I never knew how much that climb would spiritually apply to life.
Whether you’ve been married 6 years or 60 years, we are always learning and growing in our marriages. No matter what season of marriage you are in, there are some key things to remember to help you stay focused in your relationship and ensure it thrives through the years ahead.
Keys To A Thriving Marriage Read More »
Mother’s Day was a little different this year. It was our first Mother’s Day without Grandma. She had sincere faith in Christ, and she passed on to us the knowledge of Christ.
A Different Mother’s Day Read More »