Peer∙less (adj.)

  1. having no equal; matchless; unrivaled – with regards to beauty or majesty.

Did you know, in the Tenmile-Mosquito Range of the Colorado Rockies you will find a mountain called Peerless? Knowing the definition of the word peerless, it might surprise you that this mountain is not the tallest, nor does it have the best views.

Peerless means unmatchable; having no equal; or better than all others. Several mountains, including a few right beside Peerless are much taller. For example, neighboring mountains Horseshoe, Mt. Sheridan, Mt. Sherman, and Dyer Mountain all surpass Peerless Mountain in elevation alone.

So why would that name be given to a mountain if there are other mountains that rival it and even surpass it? It almost feels like a trick. If you have never visited Peerless Mountain or climbed it, you may be tempted to travel there and see for yourself the “unsurpassable majesty and beauty” its name boasts. But if you’ve seen many mountains or traveled around the world, you just might be disappointed when you finally set your eyes on Peerless Mountain.

Isn’t that just like the world? Doesn’t the world promise us peerless opportunities? The world tries to lure us through experiences, status, careers, and ideas. We are constantly told how to “live like no other.” Social media accounts are often used to reflect what appears to be peerless lives. For many people, life is a giant competition to find value, worth, and success in the things this earth offers. To have a peerless life, you must be a doctor or CEO, have a “nice” car, “big” house, smart and successful children, and the list goes on. We see others taking vacations and doing lots of “things” with their life and we suddenly feel like inferior people. That’s the motive of the world: to make you spend your time competing, hustling, slaving away for things that don’t matter and won’t make a difference in the end.

We waste a lot of time chasing this world and neglecting the things we should be doing and the people we should be loving and taking care of. There is a lot of wasted time. A lot of wasted resources. And so many missed opportunities to share the Gospel and live for the Lord. That’s not to say that we should sell all our possessions and be completely disassociated from the world. Not at all. But as believers, we should not live more for the world than we do for the Lord. As believers, we should be letting God’s Word dictate our life, guide our decision-making, and govern our calendars.

Don’t be tricked by the world! The world will try to tell you something is “peerless” – don’t take the bait. It’s meant to distract you from the Cross. The enemy is not very clever; he just uses the same old tricks he’s used since he tempted Jesus in the desert.

Matthew 4:8-10, “Again, the devil took Him along to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, “All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’”

The enemy doesn’t want you to pursue Christ, so he seeks to distract you so you will climb other mountains and pursue other paths – paths that lead to disappointment and destruction. It’s bait to get you to settle for something less, something inferior. So the enemy tries to show you the things this world offers as peerless. The enemy wants you to strive after the temporary things and ignore the eternal matters. He seeks to lure you by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. It’s nothing new, but somehow in our complacency, we forget the peace Christ offers us and instead settle for the “peace” this world tries to sell.

John 14:27, “Peace I leave you, My peace I give you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor fearful.”

Newsflash: The world cannot offer what salvation in Christ can give.

The world will try to fill that God-sized hole in your heart, but it will fail miserably. Only God and the salvation He offers us in Christ Jesus can bring us into right relationship with Him and fulfill the longing in our hearts. And when we surrender to Him, we are given eternal life and have the promise of being in heaven with Him for eternity. Let me tell you, my friends, that heaven and the glory of God is peerless! The things of this world are incomparable to the glory of God, the riches of God, and God Himself.

John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.”

God will not share His glory with the vain, temporary things of this world. Yes, He made the mountains and He made this beautiful earth – but we are not to worship His creation. We worship the Creator. God refuses to share his glory with our idols. He has no rival. He has no equal. He does not share His throne. His is the glory. His is the Name above all names.

Isaiah 42:8, “I am the Lord, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, Nor My praise to idols.”

There is only One God; only One Lord – the Lord Jesus Christ.

The things of this world are incomparable to God. They don’t even come close!

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