Real Live Faith Podcast

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Specially Made

Real Live Faith Podcast
Real Live Faith Podcast
Specially Made

Ep. 67 In this episode, we’re facing one of the most challenging, perhaps uncomfortable, and even taboo topics head-on. Why does God allow people to experience intellectual and developmental disabilities? Are there examples of these disabilities in the Bible? How does this special community impact the daily life and ministry of believers? Whether you have […]

Don't Be A Hypocrite

Real Live Faith Podcast
Real Live Faith Podcast
Don't Be A Hypocrite

Ep. 66 In this episode, we tackle what is perhaps the most common accusation against the Church. What is a hypocrite? Why are there so many Christians who don’t do what they preach? How do I keep from being a hypocrite myself? Humility and honesty are the best way to connect with and help others […]

She's Not Heavy, She's My Sister

Real Live Faith Podcast
Real Live Faith Podcast
She's Not Heavy, She's My Sister

Ep. 65 In this episode, we take the pressure off our calling to serve. Is it possible to extend myself too much? How do I find a balance between serving others and managing my own home and life? I have limitations, but are there any ways I can still serve? Helping the Body of Christ […]

The Truth About Repentance

Real Live Faith Podcast
Real Live Faith Podcast
The Truth About Repentance

Ep. 64 In this episode, we dig deep into the difference between insincere apologies and true repentance. Isn't "sorry" enough? What does it mean to repent? Why is repentance necessary? The attitude of our heart and our response after we are convicted of wrongdoing dramatically affects the health of our relationships with God and others! […]

Abundant Blessings

Real Live Faith Podcast
Real Live Faith Podcast
Abundant Blessings

Ep. 63 In this episode, we take a deeper look into the mindset of the Israelites when God rained down manna from heaven and find that sometimes, we’re just like them. Why doesn’t God bless me the way I ask Him to? How come other people seem to have more than me? What am I […]

Finding Your Way

Real Live Faith Podcast
Real Live Faith Podcast
Finding Your Way

Ep. 62 In this episode, we let you in on a story about how we wandered off the beaten path and questioned whether we would make our destination in time. What do you do when something feels off about the way things are going? How do you know if it’s time to turn around? What […]

Divine Interruptions

Real Live Faith Podcast
Real Live Faith Podcast
Divine Interruptions

Ep. 61 In this episode, we’re taking the fear out of evangelism. Why is witnessing so intimidating? How do you share Jesus with strangers? What is a good way to bring up the Gospel in casual conversation? Telling people about Jesus should never be a burden! 📖 Download our new ebook, “It’s All Greek: A […]

A Pattern To Follow

Real Live Faith Podcast
Real Live Faith Podcast
A Pattern To Follow

Ep. 60 In this episode, we learn the valuable lessons that dress patterns can teach us about women who leave legacies of faith. Who was your greatest spiritual influence? How did they impact your life and relationship with God? What kind of spiritual example are you setting for younger believers around you? It is so […]

Weary of The World

Real Live Faith Podcast
Real Live Faith Podcast
Weary of The World

Ep. 59 In this episode, we point out one of the elephants in the room when it comes to blessings and who seems to get the most. Why do lost or wicked people seem like they have better lives than me? What good is there in being “good”? What is the reward for godliness? Remember, […]

Hard Pressed but Not Crushed

Real Live Faith Podcast
Real Live Faith Podcast
Hard Pressed but Not Crushed

Ep. 58 In this episode, we walk through a real-life illustration to find out what it means when the Bible says that God is the “potter” and we are the “clay”. Why does the Bible call God a “potter”? What does it mean that we are “the work of His hand”? How come it hurts […]

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