Savor the Season


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Part of the joy and excitement of Christmas is knowing what’s coming; but most importantly, Who is coming. The birth of the Savior was the people’s greatest anticipation at that time. Maybe you know of an expectant mother and her anticipation of a new baby. But imagine if that baby were the Lord Jesus Christ!

Babies don’t just happen to come along quickly. They take around 9 months to fully form before the female body is ready to birth this new person. How does a mom savor that season of pregnancy? She spends time reading books to prepare, buys baby clothes and furniture, sets up and decorates the nursery, and celebrates with friends and family through baby showers.

How did Mary savor the season of carrying baby Jesus in her womb? She pondered the words of the angel in her heart, surrendered her body and life to God the Father, visited her cousin Elizabeth, and she celebrated her Savior.

As we take our time to enjoy this season of remembering the birth of our Savior, we can learn from Mary’s example. We can ponder what God’s Word says about Jesus, surrender our lives to God, visit with friends and family, and celebrate the Lord together.

Join us in savoring this Christmas season while we linger with the Lord in His Word!

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