Spiritual Sinkhole

Do you have any low spots in your yard? You know, those areas that seem to collect and hold water every time it rains. They cause frustrations because the grass begins to rot and die in those spots and the soil begins to erode. Low spots that hold water also cannot be mowed quickly because they take a while to dry out. Water and rain can be good for our yard and much needed in the heat of the summer, but too much seems to be more of an irritation than a help.

How do you fix a low spot in your yard that holds water? You fill in the hole. You build up the dirt in that area and level it out. You plant grass and try to patch it up to control erosion. It’s the same with those “low spots” in our life.

Sometimes we need excess water and storms in our life to show us where our “low spots” are. The storms of life get our attention and show us the areas that need to be addressed. Our weaknesses get revealed and we see where things in our life need to be adjusted. Just like a flooded area of our yard, there can be flooded areas of our life that cause frustration and need to be addressed. They need “built-up”, “leveled out”, or “drained” so we can endure the storms to come.

When we ignore those low spots in our yard, they can cause a host of other problems. Problems with standing water in the yard can cause water to pool near your home’s foundation. It can cause cracks and remove the soil that supports the foundation, leading to fissures in your walls. Excess water from this seepage can also permeate through the concrete walls in your basement, leading to water damage.

Isn’t that just like those weak areas of our life?! Sometimes our “low spot” is anger. Sometimes it’s insecurity. Maybe it’s pride. When we “mow around it”, we haven’t addressed the root cause and when the next storm comes, our weak spot is made obvious once more. This causes other areas of our life to be negatively affected and it impacts the lives of others around us.

When anger goes unchecked, we lash out at others. We nurture bitterness and resentment and risk falling into a depressed state. When insecurity goes unchecked, we try to control others and the circumstances around us. We try to act in place of the Holy Spirit and end up putting others down while attempting to elevate ourselves. When pride goes unchecked, we forget where our gifts and blessings originated and Who gave them to us. We seek selfish desires and hurt important relationships in our life.

When you see standing water in your yard, you don’t ignore it. You acknowledge it exists, even if you choose afterward to not address it. It’s dangerous to leave the issue unaddressed because the longer you wait, the more expensive the repairs will be. It would do you good to do what you can to identify the cause and seek someone who specializes in removing standing water.

Even so, when you see the “low spots” in yourself, don’t ignore them. The storm did its job in exposing and bringing the weakness to light. The longer you wait to seek Christ for help in correcting the problem, the worse the effects can be. By ignoring those weak areas, you delay the blessing that can come from surrender and obedience. It would do you good to seek the One who specializes in building us up and making us more like Him.

Colossians 3:10, “put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.”

God isn’t trying to shame us when He shows us our weak areas. He isn’t trying to belittle us or make fun of us. He loves us and He wants us to reflect His Son more and more every day. He intervenes when we are not reflecting His image. He allows the rain to collect in those low spots to show us when we are giving way to our flesh. And sometimes we don’t even realize we are being held back by those “low spots” and unable to grow in our faith and knowledge of the Lord. So He intervenes and He waits for us to respond.

Isaiah 43:19, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

So instead of letting those low spots stress us out, which tends to bring craziness, unrest, and anxiety along with it – we need to cry out to Him. We need to acknowledge those weaknesses and seek the Professional. When we ask God to help us deal with them, we trade the craziness for peace. Stress serves as the devil’s tool of distraction. When we are worried and nervous, we forget about the goodness and faithfulness of God. Instead of laboring over things that make us anxious, we should remember that God has a plan and purpose for our life and it is to make us more like His Son and to glorify Him with our life.

What are the flooded areas in your life that need drained, built up, and leveled out? Will you seek the One who can help? Will you allow Him to shape you according to His Word and His Will by planting new seed and nurturing the growth that results?

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